1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Michael J. Nelson: "Pada titik 150 menit duduk di kursi teater standar...

"Pada titik 150 menit duduk di kursi teater standar, pantat manusia mati; sekali mati, mereka tidak bisa dihidupkan kembali. Mereka berhenti berfungsi, apa pun fungsi itu, dan harus dibawa berkeliling seperti satu atau dua karung tepung."

--- Michael J. Nelson

Versi Bahasa Inggris

At the 150-minute point of sitting in a standard theater chair, the human buttocks die; once dead, they cannot be revived. They cease to function, whatever that function may have been, and must be carried around like a sack, or two, of flour.