1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Michel Chossudovsky: "Bagi Barat, musuh bukanlah "sosialisme&quot...

"Bagi Barat, musuh bukanlah "sosialisme" tetapi kapitalisme. Bagaimana cara menjinakkan dan menaklukkan beruang kutub, bagaimana mengambil alih bakat, sains, teknologi, bagaimana cara membeli modal manusia, bagaimana cara memperoleh hak kekayaan intelektual?"

--- Michel Chossudovsky

Versi Bahasa Inggris

For the West, the enemy was not "socialism" but capitalism. How to tame and subdue the polar bear, how to take over the talent, the science, the technology, how to buy out the human capital, how to acquire the intellectual property rights?