1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Michele Bachmann: "Saya berpikir bahwa orang-orang Amerika ingin tahu...

"Saya berpikir bahwa orang-orang Amerika ingin tahu tentang siapa kandidat, apa latar belakang mereka, siapa keluarga mereka, apa pengalaman iman mereka, pendidikan mereka, pengalaman kerja mereka. Semua itu adalah faktor yang dilihat pemilih karena mereka ingin mengambil ukuran individu."

--- Michele Bachmann

Versi Bahasa Inggris

I think that the American people are curious about who a candidate is, what their background is, who their family is, what their faith experience has been, their education, their work experience. All of those are factors that voters look at because they want to take a measure of the individual.