1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Mitch McConnell: "Saya pikir ada dua pesan dalam pemilihan tahun lalu....

"Saya pikir ada dua pesan dalam pemilihan tahun lalu. Yang satu cukup jelas. Orang-orang sangat marah pada presiden [Barack Obama] - dan ingin mengirim pesan. Kita semua mengerti itu. Anggota baru kami juga mendengar, dan saya juga mendengar, bahwa orang-orang tidak menyukai kenyataan bahwa Kongres tidak berfungsi. Sekarang mereka mungkin bingung tentang di mana disfungsionalitas itu menyebabkan presiden terus menunjuk ke DPR. Sebenarnya, itu tidak akurat. Disfungsi berada di Senat."

--- Mitch McConnell

Versi Bahasa Inggris

I think there were two messages in last year's election. One is pretty obvious. People were mad as hell at the president [Barack Obama] - and wanted to send a message. We all got that. Our new members were also hearing, and I was hearing as well, that people didn't like the fact that the Congress was dysfunctional. Now they may have been confused about where the dysfunctionality was cause the president kept pointing to the House. Factually, that's not accurate. The dysfunction was in the Senate.