1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Naomi Wallace: "Saya telah membaca Jurnal Wabah Daniel Defoe ketika ke...

"Saya telah membaca Jurnal Wabah Daniel Defoe ketika kerusuhan [1992 Los Angeles] pecah dan saya mulai melihat keduanya - LA dan wabah London - sebagai peristiwa yang sama. Masa krisis. Suatu masa ketika kaya dan miskin dilebur bersama - dan, tiba-tiba orang melihat alternatif. Saya mulai berpikir tentang apa yang terjadi ketika penahanan bahaya yang diduga melalui resimentasi ruang rusak, seperti ketika South-Central LA mulai menyerang Beverly Hills."

--- Naomi Wallace

Versi Bahasa Inggris

I'd been reading Daniel Defoe's Journal of the Plague Year when the [1992 Los Angeles] riots broke out and I began to see them both - L.A. and the London plague - as the same event. A time of crisis. A time when rich and poor get thrown together - and, suddenly one sees alternatives. I began to think about what happens when the containment of a presumed danger through the regimentation of space breaks down, such as when South-Central L.A. began to invade Beverly Hills.