1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Nina Simone: "Saya melamar beasiswa ke Curtis Institute of Music di Ph...

"Saya melamar beasiswa ke Curtis Institute of Music di Philadelphia. Saya tahu saya cukup baik, tetapi mereka menolak saya. Dan saya butuh sekitar enam bulan untuk menyadari itu karena saya berkulit hitam. Saya tidak pernah benar-benar mengatasi sentakan rasisme saat itu."

--- Nina Simone

Versi Bahasa Inggris

I applied for a scholarship to Curtis Institute of Music in Philadelphia. I knew I was good enough, but they turned me down. And it took me about six months to realize it was because I was black. I never really got over that jolt of racism at the time.