Oscar Wilde: "Nyonya Bracknell. Selamat siang, Algernon sayang, kuhara...
"Nyonya Bracknell. Selamat siang, Algernon sayang, kuharap kamu berperilaku sangat baik. Algernon. Saya merasa sangat baik, Bibi Augusta. Nyonya Bracknell. Itu tidak persis sama. Padahal dua hal itu jarang berjalan seiring."
Versi Bahasa Inggris
Lady Bracknell. Good afternoon, dear Algernon, I hope you are behaving very well. Algernon. I’m feeling very well, Aunt Augusta. Lady Bracknell. That’s not quite the same thing. In fact the two things rarely go together.
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