1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Patricia J. Williams: "Dalam dunia TV, di mana kehidupan Amerika telah...

"Dalam dunia TV, di mana kehidupan Amerika telah berkurang serta direproduksi, fenomena talk show telah muncul sebagai genre yang terletak di suatu tempat pada spektrum antara klatch kopi dan pertemuan kota, atau mungkin antara sofa psikiater dan adegan keramaian di kecelakaan parah."

--- Patricia J. Williams

Versi Bahasa Inggris

Within the world of TV land, into which American life has been reduced as well as reproduced, the phenomenon of the talk show has emerged as a genre located somewhere on the spectrum between coffee klatch and town meeting, or perhaps between the psychiatrist's couch and the crowd scene at a bad accident.