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Patrick Leahy: "Sesi Senator telah menentang perlindungan bagi individ...

"Sesi Senator telah menentang perlindungan bagi individu LGBT. Dia berbicara menentang keputusan kesetaraan perkawinan Freedom Corps. Dia menentang pencabutan Don't Ask, Don't Tell. Dia menentang pencalonan Loretta Lynch, wanita Afrika-Amerika pertama di negara itu untuk menjabat sebagai jaksa agung. Hal-hal ini membuatku khawatir."

--- Patrick Leahy

Versi Bahasa Inggris

Senator Sessions has opposed protections for LGBT individuals. He's spoken out against Freedom Corps' marriage equality decision. He opposed the repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell. He opposed the nomination of Loretta Lynch, the nation's first African-American woman to serve as attorney general. These things worry me.