1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Penn Dayton Badgley: "Dalam banyak film remaja saat ini, Anda hanya me...

"Dalam banyak film remaja saat ini, Anda hanya mendapatkan enam stereotip seperti atlet, pria keren, kutu buku, gadis panas, gadis yang peduli, dan gadis yang berkacamata dan seharusnya jelek tapi sebenarnya jelek Cantik."

--- Penn Dayton Badgley

Versi Bahasa Inggris

In a lot of teen movies nowadays, you just get the rote six stereotypes like the jock, the cool guy, the nerd, the hot girl, the girl who cares, and the girl who has glasses and is supposed to be ugly but is actually beautiful.