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Peter Weir: "Saya pikir Ed Harris adalah aktor layar sadar, jadi saya...

"Saya pikir Ed Harris adalah aktor layar sadar, jadi saya pikir itu kuat, itu seperti dia meletakkan semuanya entah bagaimana dalam 'The Way Back'. Dia suka, saya tidak ingin mengatakan pendekatan metode, karena itu tidak benar-benar cara kerjanya, tapi itu mudah dilakukan karena lokasinya. Dia akan pergi sendiri, dan mereka akan membuat sesuatu."

--- Peter Weir

Versi Bahasa Inggris

I think Ed Harris is a conscious screen actor, so I think it was strong, it was like he put everything together somehow in 'The Way Back'. He likes, I don't want to say the method approach, because that's not really necessarily his way of working, but it was easy to do because of the location. He'd go off by himself, and they would make things.