1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Philip Pullman: "Lee melihat bola api dan kepala melalui deru di telin...

"Lee melihat bola api dan kepala melalui deru di telinganya Hester berkata, "Itu yang terakhir dari mereka Lee." Dia berkata, atau berpikir, "Orang-orang miskin itu tidak harus datang ke sini, begitu juga kita." Dia berkata, "Kami menahannya. Kami bertahan. Kami membantu Lyra." Kemudian dia menekan dirinya yang kecil dan sombong ke wajahnya, sedekat yang dia bisa, dan kemudian mereka mati."

--- Philip Pullman

Versi Bahasa Inggris

Lee saw the fireball and head through the roar in his ears Hester saying, "That's the last of 'em Lee." He said, or thought, "Those poor men didn't have to come to this, nor did we." She said, "We held 'em off. We held out. We're a-helping Lyra." Then she was pressing her little proud broken self against his face, as close as she could get, and then they died.