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Philip Pullman: "Penyaliban menyelamatkannya [Yesus]. Dia tidak pernah...

"Penyaliban menyelamatkannya [Yesus]. Dia tidak pernah harus berurusan dengan kenyataan bahwa kerajaan Allah tidak akan pernah datang. Murid-muridnya, tentu saja, harus menghadapinya, dan sedikit demi sedikit mereka harus menyadari bahwa itu adalah hal metaforis. Ya, bukan itu maksud Yesus. Saya cukup yakin dia benar-benar serius. Tapi dia pasti pria yang paling menarik."

--- Philip Pullman

Versi Bahasa Inggris

The crucifixion saved him [Jesus]. He never had to deal with the fact that the kingdom of God wasn't ever going to come. His disciples, of course, had to deal with it, and little by little they had to realize that it's a metaphorical thing. Well, that's not what Jesus meant. I'm fairly sure he meant it literally. But he must have been the most fascinating man.