1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Richard Attenborough: "Dan ada hal-hal tertentu, dan mereka jelas, jel...

"Dan ada hal-hal tertentu, dan mereka jelas, jelas, tanpa bosan tentang hal itu, tapi maksud saya jelas, dua yang jelas dan mudah adalah Gandhi dan Cry Freedom, ada hal-hal yang sangat saya pedulikan dan saya ingin suka berdiri dan dihitung."

--- Richard Attenborough

Versi Bahasa Inggris

And there are certain things, and they are evident, obviously, without being boring about it, but I mean obviously, the two evident and easy ones being Gandhi and Cry Freedom, there are things which I do care about very much and which I would like to stand up and be counted.