1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Richard Dawkins: "Anda terlahir di dunia yang berbahaya, ada berbagai...

"Anda terlahir di dunia yang berbahaya, ada berbagai macam cara di mana Anda bisa mati, dan Anda perlu memercayai orang tua Anda ketika mereka mengatakan Anda tidak mendekati tepi tebing, atau tidak mengambil ular itu. , dll. Mungkin ada nilai survival Darwinian dalam aturan praktis seperti itu. Dan produk sampingan dari itu bisa jadi Anda percaya orang tua Anda ketika mereka memberi tahu Anda tentang juju di langit, atau apa pun itu."

--- Richard Dawkins

Versi Bahasa Inggris

You are born into a dangerous world, there are all sorts of ways in which you could die, and you need to believe your parents when they tell you don't go near the edge of the cliff, or don't pick up that snake, etc. There could very well be a Darwinian survival value in that sort of brain rule of thumb. And a by-product of that could be that you believe your parents when they tell you about the juju in the sky, or whatever it might be.