1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Richie Faulkner: "Pertunjukan kedua [Judas Priest] ada titik di mana s...

"Pertunjukan kedua [Judas Priest] ada titik di mana saya mundur. Kami memiliki jalan setinggi 40 kaki yang menembus kerumunan. Rob keluar dengan sepeda. Hujan. Dia mengendarai sepeda ke ujung tanjakan. Aku berdiri di sana menatapnya. Hujan turun. Lampu berkedip. Asap biru di mana-mana dari sepeda. Dia naik sepeda dengan tanduk logam di udara, dan ada 30.000 orang di depannya berteriak. Saya ingat berpikir, "Ini nyata.""

--- Richie Faulkner

Versi Bahasa Inggris

The second show [Judas Priest] there was a point where I stood back. We had a 40-foot ramp that went out into the crowd. Rob came out on the bike. It was raining. He drove the bike to the end of the ramp. I'm standing there looking at him. Rain coming down. Lights flashing. Blue smoke everywhere from the bike. He's on the bike with his metal horns in the air, and there were 30,000 people in front of him screaming. I remember thinking, "This is real."