1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Robert A. Williams, Jr.: "Jika Anda seorang India, Anda bisa sangat ce...

"Jika Anda seorang India, Anda bisa sangat cemas tentang beberapa keputusan Mahkamah Agung, beberapa keputusan pembuat kebijakan, jadi mungkin ada sedikit ironi di sana. Tapi saya pikir "Cemas Cemas," ketika saya memberi judul buku itu, saya benar-benar ingin memusatkan orang pada tantangan yang dihadapi suku-suku di negara ini, serta masyarakat adat di seluruh dunia, menghadapi peradaban Barat."

--- Robert A. Williams, Jr.

Versi Bahasa Inggris

If you're an Indian, you could be very anxious about some of the Supreme Court's decisions, some of the decisions of policy makers, so maybe a little bit of irony there. But I think our "Savage Anxieties," when I titled the book, I really wanted to focus people on the challenge that tribes in this country, as well as indigenous peoples around the world, are confronting Western civilization with.