1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Robert Preston: "Saya pernah menyembuhkan skydiver amatir akrofobia ak...

"Saya pernah menyembuhkan skydiver amatir akrofobia akut. Sekarang, bisa dibilang dia baik-baik saja, karena dia bisa melompat. Tetapi Anda juga bisa mengatakan dia tidak baik-baik saja, karena dia sangat teler sehingga dia lupa membuka parasutnya."

--- Robert Preston

Versi Bahasa Inggris

I once cured an amateur skydiver of acute acrophobia. Now, you could say he was all right, because he was able to jump. But you could also say he was not all right, because he was so stoned he neglected to open his parachute.