1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Roger Ebert: "Saya pikir kebanyakan orang lebih rentan terhadap prasan...

"Saya pikir kebanyakan orang lebih rentan terhadap prasangka daripada alasan. Dan burung beo radio bicara hanya mengirimkan barang yang sama. Ketika saya melihat email-email saya, saya melihat retorika Limbaugh yang sama; ternyata, orang tidak punya ide sendiri. Dan ada drumroll pemikiran anti-progresif ini."

--- Roger Ebert

Versi Bahasa Inggris

I think most people are more susceptible to prejudice than to reason. And the parrots of talk radio are just sending out the same stuff. When I look at my e-mails, I see the same Limbaugh rhetoric; apparently, people don't have any ideas of their own. And there's just this drumroll of anti-progressive thought.