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Rush Limbaugh: "Sekarang peran telah terbalik, karena kampanye Hillary...

"Sekarang peran telah terbalik, karena kampanye Hillary [Clinton] sangat marah bahwa mereka kehilangan, dan mereka pikir mereka kehilangan karena [Donald] Trump mengirimkan peluit burung, peluit anjing, apa pun, kepada supremasi kulit putih di luar sana, dan putih supremasi adalah yang keluar dari bayang-bayang, bukan imigran ilegal, supremasi kulit putih keluar dari bayang-bayang dan mereka mendapatkan selang mereka dan mereka mendapatkan apa pun yang mereka miliki dan mereka mulai memukuli Demokrat dan Hillary yang malang."

--- Rush Limbaugh

Versi Bahasa Inggris

Now the roles have been reversed, because the Hillary [Clinton] campaign is livid that they lost, and they think they lost because [Donald] Trump sent out bird whistles, dog whistles, whatever, to the white supremacists out there, and the white supremacists are the ones that came out of the shadows, not the illegal immigrants, the white supremacists came out of the shadows and they got their hoses and they got their whatever else and they started beating up on Democrats and poor Hillary.