Ryan Jarman: "Setelah kami selesai tur 'Ignore The Ignorant' k...
"Setelah kami selesai tur 'Ignore The Ignorant' kami memiliki ide sempurna bahwa kami akan mengambil cuti beberapa tahun, itulah rencananya. Karena kami pikir kami pasti akan mengambil cuti, saya akan kembali ke perguruan tinggi, itulah yang akan saya lakukan. Karena seluruh idenya adalah bahwa saya telah menghabiskan sepuluh tahun di band ini dan bahkan tidak menyadari bahwa jumlah waktu telah berlalu."
--- Ryan JarmanVersi Bahasa Inggris
After we finished touring 'Ignore The Ignorant' we had this perfect idea that we were going to take a couple of years off, that was the plan. Because we thought we were definitely going to take time off, I was going to go back to college, that was what I was going to do. Because the whole idea of it was that I have spent ten years in this band and not even realised that that amount of time has passed.
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