1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Sandra Bernhard: "Saya pikir semua orang menutupi [posterior] mereka d...

"Saya pikir semua orang menutupi [posterior] mereka dengan skandal Enron dan sangat nyaman bahwa 11 September datang untuk membelokkan fakta bahwa mereka seharusnya tidak pernah berada di Gedung Putih. Apa yang terjadi dalam pemilu benar-benar korup."

--- Sandra Bernhard

Versi Bahasa Inggris

I think everybody is covering their [posteriors] with the Enron scandal and it was very convenient that Sept. 11 came along to deflect the fact that they should never have been in the White House in the first place. What happened in the election was completely corrupt.