1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Shia LaBeouf: "Aktor anak menjadi tipe. Tipe imut, tipe lucu, tipe gel...

"Aktor anak menjadi tipe. Tipe imut, tipe lucu, tipe gelap. Kapan pun Anda tipe, karier Anda berakhir. Itu tidak mudah bagi saya; Saya mengalami benjolan di jalan, Anda tahu? Saya berada di Dumb And Dumberer. Sejauh ini bukan hal yang sempurna. Tapi secara keseluruhan, saya bangga akan hal itu. Paling bangga karenanya karena keanekaragamannya. Karena genre berbeda."

--- Shia LaBeouf

Versi Bahasa Inggris

Child actors become types. The cutesy type, the funny type, the dark type. Any time you're a type, your career's over. It's not been effortless for me; I've had bumps in the road, you know? I was in Dumb And Dumberer. It's not been a flawless thing so far. But all in all, I'm proud of it. Most proud of it because of the diversity. Because the genres are different.