1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Sidney Lumet: "Dolby ada di kursi pengemudi. "Surround Sound&quot...

"Dolby ada di kursi pengemudi. "Surround Sound" telah ditambahkan. Sekarang kami memiliki tiga speaker di belakang layar, dua lagi di sisi kiri teater, dan dua di kanan. Rahasia dijaga ketat tentang semua ini adalah bahwa Anda mendengar keseimbangan yang benar hanya jika Anda duduk di tengah-tengah teater. Di sisi kiri atau kanan, speaker tersebut cenderung mendominasi."

--- Sidney Lumet

Versi Bahasa Inggris

Dolby was in the driver's seat. "Surround Sound" was added. Now we had three speakers behind the screen, two more on the left side of the theater, and two on the right. A closely guarded secret about all this is that you hear the correct balance only if you're sitting in the center of the theater. On the left or right side, those speakers tend to dominate.