1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Sinead O'Connor: "Kami mengekspos anak-anak kami terhadap pelecehan de...

"Kami mengekspos anak-anak kami terhadap pelecehan dengan fakta bahwa mereka meninggalkan radio di dalam mobil dan membiarkan mereka mendengarkan berita dalam perjalanan ke sekolah. Atau fakta bahwa itu ditampilkan di berita, anak-anak dapat melihat wajah Gaddafi dan pakaian Technicolor yang mulia tertembak di berita atau di rak-rak koran. Di rak-rak toko di mana semua majalah seks secara sadar ditempatkan di atas, jika mereka secara sadar ditempatkan di atas, itu berarti kekerasan semua diletakkan di bawah secara sadar."

--- Sinead O'Connor

Versi Bahasa Inggris

We're exposing our minors to abuse by the fact that they leave the radio on in the car and let them listen to the news on the way to school. Or the fact that it's shown on the news, the children can see Gaddafi's face and his glorious Technicolor clothes getting shot off on the news or on the newspaper shelves. In the shelves of the shops where all the sex magazines are consciously put at the top, if they're consciously put at the top, that must mean the violence is all put at the bottom consciously.