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Sonia Braga: "Orang-orang bereaksi terhadap panjangnya "Aquarius&...

"Orang-orang bereaksi terhadap panjangnya "Aquarius" dengan cara yang sangat positif. Misalnya, pada awalnya, Anda memiliki orang di mobil di pantai pada malam hari. Satu karakter berkata, "Aku akan memainkan lagu yang bagus untukmu." Dia mendorong dalam kaset, dan mereka mendengarkan sekitar 45 detik Queen's "Another One Bites the Dust." Anda benar-benar dapat melihat kesenangan mendaftar di wajah mereka, tetapi itu butuh waktu, dan audiens menghargai itu."

--- Sonia Braga

Versi Bahasa Inggris

People have reacted to the length of "Aquarius" in very positive ways. For example, at the beginning, you have people in a car on the beach at night. One character says, "I'm going to play you this great track." She pushes in a cassette tape, and they listen to about 45 seconds of Queen's "Another One Bites the Dust." You can actually see the pleasure registering on their faces, but it takes time, and audiences have appreciated that.