1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Stan Musial: "Saya secara sadar menghafal kecepatan di mana setiap pit...

"Saya secara sadar menghafal kecepatan di mana setiap pitcher di liga melemparkan fastball, curve, dan slider-nya; kemudian, saya akan mengambil kecepatan bola di tiga puluh kaki pertama penerbangannya dan tahu bagaimana itu akan bergerak setelah melintasi piring."

--- Stan Musial

Versi Bahasa Inggris

I consciously memorized the speed at which every pitcher in the league threw his fastball, curve, and slider; then, I'd pick up the speed of the ball in the first thirty feet of its flight and knew how it would move once it had crossed the plate.