1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Stephen Covey: "Kita harus berusaha memahami maksud komunikasi tanpa b...

"Kita harus berusaha memahami maksud komunikasi tanpa berprasangka atau menolak konten ... Komunikasi, bagaimanapun juga, bukanlah masalah intelek seperti halnya kepercayaan dan penerimaan orang lain, gagasan dan perasaan mereka, penerimaan fakta bahwa mereka berbeda, dan dari sudut pandang mereka, mereka benar."

--- Stephen Covey

Versi Bahasa Inggris

We must seek to understand the intent of communication without prejudging or rejecting the content... Communication, after all, is not so much a matter of intellect as it is of trust and acceptance of others, of their ideas and feelings, acceptance of the fact that they're different, and that from their point of view, they are right.