1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Stephen Hawking: "Di matanya bersinar pantulan planet terindah di Alam...

"Di matanya bersinar pantulan planet terindah di Alam Semesta --- planet yang tidak terlalu panas dan tidak terlalu dingin; yang memiliki air cair di permukaan dan di mana gravitasi tepat bagi manusia dan atmosfernya sempurna untuk mereka hirup; di mana ada gunung dan gurun dan lautan dan pulau-pulau dan hutan dan pohon-pohon dan burung-burung dan tanaman dan hewan dan serangga dan manusia --- banyak dan banyak orang. Di mana ada kehidupan. Beberapa di antaranya, mungkin, cerdas."

--- Stephen Hawking

Versi Bahasa Inggris

In his eyes shone the reflection of the most beautiful planet in the Universe---a planet that is not too hot and not too cold; that has liquid water on the surface and where the gravity is just right for human beings and the atmosphere is perfect for them to breathe; where there are mountains and deserts and oceans and islands and forests and trees and birds and plants and animals and insects and people---lots and lots of people. Where there is life. Some of it, possibly, intelligent.