1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Steve Kornacki: "Donald Trump yang muncul di konferensi pers ini, mesk...

"Donald Trump yang muncul di konferensi pers ini, meskipun dia mengulurkan tangannya kepada Presiden Pena Nieto, katakan, saya menganggap Anda seorang teman, dia mengatakan dia berbicara tentang generasi pertama, generasi ketiga, generasi Meksiko-Amerika, katanya - kata-katanya di sini - dia menganggapnya tak tercela."

--- Steve Kornacki

Versi Bahasa Inggris

The Donald Trump who showed up at this press conference, though he did extend his hand to President Pena Nieto, say, I consider you a friend, he said he talked about first-generation, second- generation, third-generation Mexican-American, he said - his words here - he considers them beyond reproach.