1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Suzanne Collins: "Meskipun saya tidak bertanya, Plutarch memberi saya...

"Meskipun saya tidak bertanya, Plutarch memberi saya pembaruan ceria di telepon seperti, "Berita bagus, Katniss! Saya pikir kami hampir membuatnya yakin Anda bukan anjing gila!" Atau "Hari ini dia diizinkan makan sendiri puding!"

--- Suzanne Collins

Versi Bahasa Inggris

Even though I don't ask, Plutarch gives me cheerful updates on the phone like "Good news, Katniss! I think we've almost got him convinced you're not a mutt!" Or "Today he was allowed to feed himself pudding!