1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Ted Cruz: "Di sini di rumah, kita perlu melakukan dua hal mendasar. Ya...

"Di sini di rumah, kita perlu melakukan dua hal mendasar. Yang pertama, kita perlu menyadari bahwa teknologi telah berubah. UU Patriot ditandatangani pada tahun 2001, secara kasar. IPhone ditemukan pada 2007. iPad ditemukan pada 2011. Snapchat dan Twitter, sisanya, telah ada hanya selama beberapa tahun. Teknologi telah bergerak, dan para teroris telah melanjutkannya."

--- Ted Cruz

Versi Bahasa Inggris

Here at home, we need to do two fundamental things. Number one, we need to recognize that technology has moved on. The Patriot Act was signed in 2001, roughly. The iPhone was invented in 2007. The iPad was invented in 2011. Snapchat and Twitter, all the rest of it, have been around just for several years. Technology has moved on, and the terrorists have moved on with it.