1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Ted Nugent: "Bukankah musik saya adalah ritme dan blues terakhir? Bagu...

"Bukankah musik saya adalah ritme dan blues terakhir? Bagus bukan? Itu karena musisi saya, kami disapih di Muddy Waters, Howlin 'Wolf, Bo Diddley, Chuck Berry, Little Richard, Jerry Lee Lewis, semua bapak pendiri, para dewa guntur, yang menemukan fondasi dan denyut nadi terbesar. musik di dunia!"

--- Ted Nugent

Versi Bahasa Inggris

Isn't my music the last of the real rhythm and blues? Isn't it great? It's because of my musicians, we were weaned on Muddy Waters, Howlin' Wolf, Bo Diddley, Chuck Berry, Little Richard, Jerry Lee Lewis, all the founding fathers, the gods of thunder, who invented the foundation and the pulse of the greatest music in the world!