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Terence McKenna: "Di sinilah saya pikir psychedelics masuk karena mere...

"Di sinilah saya pikir psychedelics masuk karena mereka adalah antisipasi masa depan. Mereka tampaknya menyalurkan informasi yang tidak diatur secara ketat oleh hukum kausalitas normal. Sehingga benar-benar ada dimensi kenabian, sekilas potensi masa depan yang jauh melalui senyawa-senyawa ini."

--- Terence McKenna

Versi Bahasa Inggris

This is where I think the psychedelics come in because they are anticipations of the future. They seem to channel information that is not strictly governed by the laws of normal causality. So that there really is a prophetic dimension, a glimpse of the potential of the far centuries of the future through these compounds.