1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Terry Pratchett: "Dia melipat tangannya dan kemudian berteriak, "...

"Dia melipat tangannya dan kemudian berteriak, "Benar, kau pencuri yang pencuri! Beraninya kau mencuri daging pemakaman Miss Treason!" "Oh, baiklah, baiklah, ini adalah lipatan lengan, foooldin 'aaaarmss!" seru Daft Wullie, jatuh ke tanah dan berusaha menutupi dirinya dengan dedaunan. Di sekitarnya, Feegles mulai meraung dan gemetar dan Big Yan mulai membenturkan kepalanya ke dinding belakang perusahaan susu."

--- Terry Pratchett

Versi Bahasa Inggris

She folded her arms and then shouted, "Right you thieving scunners! How dare you steal Miss Treason's funeral meats!" "Oh, waily, waily, it's the foldin' o' the arms, the foooldin' o' the aaaarmss!" cried Daft Wullie, dropping to the ground and trying to cover himself with leaves. Around him Feegles started to wail and cower and Big Yan began to bang his head on the rear wall of the dairy.