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Thelma Schoonmaker: "Emeric [Pressburger] sepenuhnya kosmopolitan. Itu...

"Emeric [Pressburger] sepenuhnya kosmopolitan. Itulah yang membuat film [dengan Michael Powell] mereka begitu istimewa. Tak satu pun dari mereka berpikir dua kali untuk membuat film tentang persahabatan antara orang Inggris dan Jerman selama Blitz. Mereka jenius."

--- Thelma Schoonmaker

Versi Bahasa Inggris

Emeric [Pressburger] was completely cosmopolitan. That's what makes their [with Michael Powell] films so special. Neither of them thought twice about making a film about a friendship between an Englishman and a German during the Blitz. They were genius.