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Thomas B. Macaulay: "Itu sebelum Dewa diwujudkan dalam bentuk manusia...

"Itu sebelum Dewa diwujudkan dalam bentuk manusia berjalan di antara manusia, mengambil bagian dalam kelemahan mereka, bersandar di dada mereka, menangis di kuburan mereka, tertidur di palungan, berdarah di salib, bahwa prasangka sinagoga, dan keraguan dari Akademi, dan kebanggaan serambi, dan fasik sang diktator, dan pedang tiga puluh legiun direndahkan dalam debu."

--- Thomas B. Macaulay

Versi Bahasa Inggris

It was before Deity embodied in a human form walking among men, partaking of their infirmities, leaning on their bosoms, weeping over their graves, slumbering in the manger, bleeding on the cross, that the prejudices of the synagogue, and the doubts of the academy, and the pride of the portico, and the fasces of the lictor, and the swords of thirty legions were humbled in the dust.