1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Thomas Koner: "Ada periode ketika skenario utopis hampir benar - ketik...

"Ada periode ketika skenario utopis hampir benar - ketika kami merasa bahwa Anda dapat melakukan hampir semua hal di klub, selama itu ada gunanya. Tidak ada harapan yang kaku dari para hadirin tentang bagaimana itu harus disampaikan. Tapi ini tidak berlangsung lama. Itu hampir bisa diraba, penurunan ini di milenium baru."

--- Thomas Koner

Versi Bahasa Inggris

There was a period when the utopian scenario was almost true - when we felt that you could do almost anything in a club, as long as it was any good. There was no rigid expectation from the audience as to how it had to be delivered. But this didn't last very long. It was almost palpable, the decline of this in the new millennium.