1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Thomas Merton: "Di Louisville, di sudut Fourth dan Walnut, di pusat di...

"Di Louisville, di sudut Fourth dan Walnut, di pusat distrik perbelanjaan, saya tiba-tiba kewalahan dengan kesadaran bahwa saya mencintai semua orang itu, bahwa mereka milik saya dan saya, bahwa kita tidak dapat saling asing satu sama lain meskipun kami benar-benar orang asing."

--- Thomas Merton

Versi Bahasa Inggris

In Louisville, at the corner of Fourth and Walnut, in the center of the shopping district, I was suddenly overwhelmed with the realization that I loved all those people, that they were mine and I theirs, that we could not be alien to one another even though we were total strangers.