1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Tim Matheson: "Inti Animal House adalah tentang prasangka, tentang kes...

"Inti Animal House adalah tentang prasangka, tentang kesetaraan, dan tentang inklusi / pengecualian. Itu tentang sekelompok orang yang bersama dan apa pun yang terjadi. Siapa pun yang ingin masuk bisa masuk. Lalu ada kelompok lain yang tak seorang pun bisa masuk, kecuali mereka berkulit putih, dan sama saja. Itu sangat mewakili budaya di tahun 60an, 50an, dan 40an di Amerika."

--- Tim Matheson

Versi Bahasa Inggris

The core of Animal House was about prejudice, about equality, and about inclusion/exclusion. It was about a group of people who were together and anything went. Anybody who wanted in could get it in. Then there was that other group that nobody could get in, unless they were white, and just alike. It was very representative of the culture in the '60s, '50s, and '40s in America.