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Tina Fey: "Jika Anda menonton [The] Searchs of Intelligent Life [in th...

"Jika Anda menonton [The] Searchs of Intelligent Life [in the Universe], atau The Incredible Shrinking Woman, atau 9 sampai 5, ada banyak politik gender di garis depan karya Lily Tomlin, yang agak menggetarkan bagi saya untuk menonton sebagai anak 10, 11, 12 tahun."

--- Tina Fey

Versi Bahasa Inggris

If you watch [The] Search for Signs of Intelligent Life [in the Universe], or The Incredible Shrinking Woman, or 9 to 5, there is a lot of gender politics at the forefront of Lily Tomlin work, which was kind of thrilling for me to be watching as a 10-, 11-, 12-year-old kid.