1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Tinsel Korey: "Tapi, ya, itu hanya proses audisi biasa. Ada beberapa o...

"Tapi, ya, itu hanya proses audisi biasa. Ada beberapa orang yang memberi tahu saya tentang hal itu dan mereka mencari aktor, tetapi manajer saya cukup pandai dalam mengatasinya. Dan, (sutradara casting) Rene Haynes memasukkan saya ke Into the West, dan dia selalu berhubungan dan menjadi pendukung besar dalam karir saya."

--- Tinsel Korey

Versi Bahasa Inggris

But, yeah, it was just the regular audition process. There were a couple people telling me about it and that they were looking for the actors, but my manager is pretty good at sorting that out. And, (casting director) Rene Haynes cast me in Into the West, and she's always kept in touch and been a real big supporter of my career.