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Tom Robbins: "Di East of Eden, John Steinbeck menulis bahwa tidak pern...

"Di East of Eden, John Steinbeck menulis bahwa tidak pernah ada kolaborasi kreatif yang hebat. Ketika The Beatles pertama kali meledak di tempat kejadian, saya pikir mereka membuktikan dia salah. Belakangan, kami mengetahui bahwa Lennon dan McCartney masing-masing menyusun karya pop mereka secara terpisah, secara individual. Begitu seterusnya."

--- Tom Robbins

Versi Bahasa Inggris

In East of Eden, John Steinbeck wrote that there's never been a great creative collaboration. When the Beatles first burst on the scene, I thought they were proving him wrong. Later, we learned that Lennon and McCartney had each composed their pop masterpieces separately, individually. So it goes.