1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Tommy Douglas: "Saya berkeliling ke rumah-rumah sekolah kecil, berbica...

"Saya berkeliling ke rumah-rumah sekolah kecil, berbicara seperti seorang profesor, menjelaskan platform kami. Kami beruntung jika koleksi itu memberi kami cukup bensin untuk sampai ke tempat berikutnya. Kami mendorong pertanyaan, dan orang-orang bertanya apakah benar kami akan mengambil tanah pertanian mereka, seperti Soviet di Rusia, dan apakah kami percaya pada Tuhan."

--- Tommy Douglas

Versi Bahasa Inggris

I went around to the little schoolhouses, talking like a professor, explaining our platform. We were lucky if the collection gave us enough for gas to get to the next place. We encouraged questions, and people asked us if it was true we were going to take their farms, like the Soviets in Russia, and did we believe in God.