1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Vladimir Putin: "Prinsip dasar demokrasi harus diperhatikan apa pun ne...

"Prinsip dasar demokrasi harus diperhatikan apa pun negara - prinsip-prinsip seperti kebebasan sipil, pasar bebas, pers bebas, prioritas individu daripada kepentingan negara mitos, negara yang melayani kepentingan rakyat biasa dan membela hak-hak mereka dan minat. Ini semua mudah diucapkan tetapi sulit untuk diwujudkan."

--- Vladimir Putin

Versi Bahasa Inggris

The basic principles of democracy should be observed whatever the country - principles such as civil liberties, a free market, a free press, the priority of the individual over mythical state interests, a state which serves the interests of ordinary people and defends their rights and interests. This is all easy to say but hard to make reality.