Vladimir Putin: "Produksi minyak, produksi energi tumbuh, meskipun yan...
"Produksi minyak, produksi energi tumbuh, meskipun yang terakhir telah turun sekitar 1 persen di sini, saya percaya ... Ngomong-ngomong, kita menempati tempat pertama di dunia dalam ekspor gas, menyumbang 20 persen dari pasar dunia. Kami juga pertama di bidang ekspor hidrokarbon cair."
--- Vladimir PutinVersi Bahasa Inggris
Oil production, energy production are growing, though the latter has gone down by about 1 percent here, I believe... By the way, we occupy the first place in the world in gas export, accounting for 20 percent of the world market. We are also first in the sphere of liquid hydrocarbons export.
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