1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Warren Buffett: "[Orang-orang] telah melihat pasar kredit naik. Mereka...

"[Orang-orang] telah melihat pasar kredit naik. Mereka khawatir tentang dana pasar uang, meskipun proposisi terbaru dari pemerintah harus mengatasinya. Mereka telah melihat delapan persen dari deposito bank di Amerika Serikat dipindahkan dengan sangat terampil, bisa saya katakan, dalam beberapa minggu terakhir dari institusi yang mereka pikir baik-baik saja beberapa bulan yang lalu ke institusi lain. Mereka tidak salah khawatir."

--- Warren Buffett

Versi Bahasa Inggris

[People] have seen the credit market seize up. They're worried about money market funds, although the latest proposition from government should take care of that. They've seen eight percent of the bank deposits in the United States get moved very skillfully, I might say, within the last couple of weeks from institutions that they thought were fine a few months ago to other institutions. They are not wrong to be worried.