1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Warren MacKenzie: "Teman-teman dari Bernard [Leach] datang berkunjung,...

"Teman-teman dari Bernard [Leach] datang berkunjung, dan ketika kami pergi ke London, kami diberikan perkenalan kepada orang-orang seperti Lucie Rie, Hans Coper, Richard Batram. Semua orang ini, katakanlah, disediakan untuk kita oleh persahabatan dengan Leach. Selain itu ada kelompok tukang tembikar - apa namanya? Saya pikir itu disebut Cornish Potters Society, tetapi saya tidak yakin akan hal itu. Ngomong-ngomong, mereka mengadakan pertemuan dan kami akan pergi bersama Leach ke pertemuan-pertemuan ini dan bertemu pembuat tembikar lainnya, dan mereka akan memiliki program di mana mereka akan membahas tembikar dan orang-orang akan bertukar ide."

--- Warren MacKenzie

Versi Bahasa Inggris

Friends of Bernard's [Leach] came to visit, and when we went to London, we were given introductions to people like Lucie Rie, Hans Coper, Richard Batram. All these people were, let's say, made available to us by a friendship with Leach. In addition there was a potter's group - what was it called? I think it was called the Cornish Potters Society, but I'm not sure of that. Anyway, they had meetings and we would go with Leach to these meetings and meet other potters, and they would have programs where they would discuss pottery and people would interchange ideas.