1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Warren MacKenzie: "Bernard [Leach] telah memperoleh banyak karya [Shoj...

"Bernard [Leach] telah memperoleh banyak karya [Shoji] Hamada. Beberapa dari mereka, itu menarik - pertama-tama, Hamada bekerja di St Ives selama sekitar empat tahun sebelum kembali ke Jepang untuk memulai tembikar sendiri. Dia memiliki pameran di London, dan jika pameran ini tidak laku, galeri diperintahkan untuk mengirim sisa pekerjaan ke Leach Pottery, di mana mereka akan pergi ke showroom untuk dijual. Jika Bernard melihat salah satu yang tidak dijual bahwa ia benar-benar mengagumi, maka ia akan mengambilnya (ia akan membelinya), dan itu akan masuk ke dalam rumah."

--- Warren MacKenzie

Versi Bahasa Inggris

Bernard [Leach] had acquired many [Shoji] Hamada works. Some of them, it was interesting - first of all, Hamada worked in St. Ives for about four years before returning to Japan to start his own pottery. He had exhibitions in London, and if these exhibitions didn't sell out, the galleries were instructed to send the remaining work down to the Leach Pottery, where they would go into the showroom for sale. If Bernard saw one that hadn't sold that he really admired, then he would take it (he would buy it), and it would go into the house.