1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Wynton Marsalis: "Para musisi, Duke Ellington, masalahnya bukan tentan...

"Para musisi, Duke Ellington, masalahnya bukan tentang memisahkan dirinya dari seluruh Amerika. Louis Armstrong - pergi ke nenek moyang musik kami - Jelly Roll Morton - mereka tidak memberitakan agenda separatis. Mereka tidak mengambil musik mereka dan berkata, "Ini untukku.""

--- Wynton Marsalis

Versi Bahasa Inggris

The musicians, Duke Ellington, his thing was not about separating himself from the rest of America. Louis Armstrong - go to the forefathers of our music - Jelly Roll Morton - they're not preaching a separatist agenda. They're not taking their music and saying, "This is for me."